A triptych that features 3 short films from the minds of Michel Gondry (Eternal Sunshine..), Leos Carax (The Lovers on the Bridge (a french film)), and Bong Joon-Ho (The Host).  Each film is set to 30 minutes and envelopes that director’s view of the city.

Joon-Ho’s will be titled Shaking Tokyo
Carax’s – Merde
Gondry’s – Hiroko & Akira in Tokyo

With these 3 minds collaborating, this movie is sure to be brilliant.  Watch the trailer and see for yourself!!!

Have a bright and shiny Monday!


4 responses to “TOKYO!

  1. Go see carax’s “hymn to merde”, on youtube

  2. fruta….not sure who you are, but thanks for the suggestion. that was insane. 🙂

  3. i freekin’ LOVE Gondry. ESotSM is in my top-five films of all-time (never thought Jim Carrey would make it that high).

  4. I really enjoy all these movies.

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